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Networking at Mobile World Congress 2017


The very word stops some people in their tracks and makes them want to run back to their houses. That, or reach for the nearest glass of alcohol (I’d venture to call this type introverted). Why? To be honest, it’s uncomfortable. For the other people that live and breathe the stuff - well, they are probably on Facebook right now searching for the latest networking, mingling, corporate mixer, etc. Either way, it’s always nice to have some insight going into any event. We’re gonna share a few things to keep in mind while participating in the either dreaded or beloved networking at GSMA Mobile World Congress 2017 here in Barcelona.

1. Set goals

We try not to just jump straight into things here at Akommo, so by creating objectives and goals, it helps us follow a dynamic strategy - even for something as simple as networking. Check out the list of MWC Keynote Speakers and presenters and plan to see whichever ones seem most pertinent to your profession. If you go into the event hoping to make X number of contacts, watch X number of speakers, and attend X number of events - you will be more motivated to reach those goals.

2. Plan ahead to start networking

Since it’s kind of our profession, obviously we are going to suggest that you plan. By scheduling which speakers you want to watch, the peak times to attend, and the parties you want to have access to, you will save time, stress, make the most of your costly ticket - and ultimately, enjoy yourself more.

3. Download the MWC App

This app is totally updated for 2017. It comes with a new recommendation engine that helps you to discover content based on your interests and profile, such as specific sessions, attendees and exhibitors. This goes hand-in-hand with planning, and via the app, you can create a schedule aligned with your goals. It also even lets you create meetings with and chat to attendees.

4. Networking gardens

Be there or be square: yep, MWC is taking networking to a new level and creating a designated space just for people who want to network. By creating this dedicated space, the task of networking becomes exponentially less uncomfortable. Why? Everyone there has the same goal in mind: make some connections. We heard from a little birdie that Twitter is gonna be really helpful (pun intended).

5. Follow and follow up

Why on earth did I just write that twice? Because they are two totally different and distinct objectives when it comes to networking. The easiest way to get in contact with someone nowadays is via social media – but it’s also the easiest way that you can get forgotten. If you simply follow someone, you’ll probably just become one of the masses. As a result, this seems like a wasted effort. Last year we personally learned that networking is pointless unless you follow up, even if you make a splendid first impression.

Happy networking folks, and if you need any last-minute accommodation for MWC, or you’re like us and enjoy planning ahead, drop us a line - we’d be happy to connect!

Photo credit: Pexels