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Akommo Team Quarantine Routine

Jason Greenman - CEO

Mental Health:

He just finished reading Atomic Habits, an inspiring book that encourages you to implement good habits right away. He's started working at 7:00am so that he can finish earlier and spend the afternoon with his two boys playing capture the flag in the backyard. Balancing work and home life during the lockdown is a challenge, but doing it well is key to his mental health.

Physical Health:

Staying at home has allowed him to get back into a consistent workout routine. He's using the Nike Training Club app to complete at least one HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout per day. The app allows you to choose the perfect routine that suits your needs (time, equipment available, muscle groups, etc.) then talks you through the workout in real-time with video instructions. And it's free!


His meals haven't changed much, but working out has made him more aware of his portions (and desserts!) He's also cut back on the glass of wine with dinner, and opted to only have a glass or two on the weekend. He finds this small change helps wake up early with more energy.

Julie Boulanger - Operations & Events Manager

Mental Health:

She’s been focusing a lot on well-being by writing in a diary, following online training on Human Rights, and watching sustainability talks to develop CSR skills. Her need to help during the covid crisis inspired her to push online activism with Amnesty International to defend the rights of the most vulnerable populations (indigenous, refugees, domestic violence victims….)!

Physical Health:

Like many of her fellow French people, she's been using the Neoness gym on Instagram to do yoga 7 days a week - mostly on replay as she likes to rest and sleep in the morning. Moreover, she's been doing Zumba classes twice a week with her colleague Eileen as the teacher and barre pilates with her other colleague, Sabina, as the instructor. Because the truth is, gym classes are much more fun when shared with friends!


She's been boosting her immune system with vitamins every day and for the first time, she’s growing vegetables on her balcony (avocado and tomato seeds). She's cooking more than usual, especially french recipes (quiche lorraine, savoury cakes to avoid chocolate cake temptation, banana pancakes).

Eileen McRae - Events & Office Manager

Mental Health:

She helped the Zig Zag Club sew personal protective equipment (PPE) for front line workers. Not only does she find sewing relaxing, but it's for a great cause! Maybe now she'll work on some designer clothing (haha)! She keeps her mind distracted by reading with her current book selections A Man's Search for Meaning and War and Peace.

Physical Health:

She has been doing yoga every day when she wakes up, which tackles both mental and physical health. She recommends Yoga with Adriene on YouTube, which is great for all levels. She also enjoys doing HIIT workouts and teaching Zumba a couple of times per week. She joined her teammate Sabina’s Pilates on Pointe classes as well.


She has been doing intermittent fasting by only eating during 6 hours of the day (normally 3-9pm) to resist those cravings and overeat. She enjoys cooking in batches and freezing meals for future use. She tries to eat as healthy as possible with her latest meals being vegetable soup, chile con carne, shrimp fried rice, and fajitas.

Richard Plane - Sales Manager

Mental Health:

He’s currently partaking in "21 Days of Abundance," a program constructed by Deepak Chopra, and is focusing more time on himself and his wellbeing than ever before. Naturally, checking in with his family and loved ones on a regular occurrence helps him to stay positive too. Day to day, he is keeping very physically active which releases endorphins and has a large impact on his mental wellbeing too.

Physical Health:

This has been a key focus since the beginning of the year after recovering from a long term back injury. The lockdown could have been an excuse for all the hard work to come unstuck but it has been quite the opposite, using the much loved Nike Training Club app along with hour-long cardio sessions of jump rope or stair climbing. He is making sure he is staying consistent and focused as this is assisting him to stay positive throughout this tough time. He also has a new addition to the family in the form of Pablo the puppy, who has him running all over the place!


Rich, like Eileen, is intermittent fasting 5 days per week and starting the day with a freshly made smoothie. Weekends he sticks to his English heritage with a traditional full English breakfast consisting of poached eggs, bacon, hash brown, baked beans and toast. He’s shifted from dining out regularly and ordering food to work, to now eating home-cooked food every day. This has been a great refresher and he hopes to continue this in the future.

Sabina Medina -  Venues & Events Manager

Mental Health:

She’s been offering free Pilates classes online to encourage movement and physical activity. She also practises meditation and breathwork every morning and she’s started taking cold showers afterwards to activate the mind and body (not easy!) She’s taken up guitar lessons and organising open mic and quiz nights with friends all over the world!. She has also been reading Growth Mindset Coach and will soon start the book Atomic Habits recommended by Jason Greenman.

Physical Health:

In addition to meditation, she practises yoga every day. Doing inversions is now her new favourite! She’s been doing different workouts daily: pilates, cardio, HIIT and more. She has joined the fun Zumba classes led by her teammate Eileen. She climbs the 10 stories set of stairs in her building at least 10 times a day trying to keep her legs going to get back into trail running as soon as it is possible.


As a Holistic Health Coach she has spent plenty more time in the kitchen experimenting with recipes and immunity-boosting ingredients. She is currently studying and researching about healing mushrooms and Chinese traditional medicine.

David Soteras - Marketing Manager

Mental Health:

He has been using this period to focus on his personal mental growth. Every day he writes a short piece about the things that he wants to accomplish during the day and reflects on his thoughts and actions over the last weeks. He tries to focus his mindset on helping the elderly during the current times and to identify any opportunity to become a helping asset to friends and family.

Physical Health:

He has based his physical activity in doing HIIT workouts on his stationary bike, which was brand new to him. He alternated between short double sessions and long endurance ones, which largely helped his state of mind and his ability to remain positive. For the past 5 years, he has also been donating blood as much as allowed to help the people who are in need of his blood type. If you are doubting about it, David will tell you to do it!


He has devoted more time to one of his passions, cooking. He has been able to experiment with recipes that were always on the to-do list and he has become a regular bread-baker. Even though he always bases his cooking around healthy dishes, he has tried his luck with 3-chocolate cakes, carrot cakes, and cheesecakes!

Artur Turdiev - Full Stack Developer

Mental Health:

Like an economy, he has weeks of affluence and growth. From binge-reading 6 books in 3 weeks that he’s been putting off for months, to taking a lot of amazing online courses, to being generally productive and getting things done. But every expansion is followed by a recession, where he starts contemplating if it was a good idea to sign up for all those amazing courses at the same time.

Physical Health:

With the gym out of reach and virtually no space at home, the most feasible type of workout became a virtual one. He spends just a little *coughs* time in the evenings honing his flick shots in Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). He also does a bit of yoga -correction- glorified stretches and tries to run whenever he gets a chance.


Although Doritos and Mountain Dew go really well with CSGO he totally does not give in to the temptation. He eats healthy: sticks to veggies, fruits, grains, nuts & pea protein. Although now that he thinks, Doritos are grains… A good chance to go for a run!