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Top 6 European Corporate Meeting Destinations 2018

As a meeting planner for internal conferences or corporate events, there are endless logistical factors to consider. For example, the room bookings and arrangements for attendees is an incredible task alone! Not to mention the hundreds of other details to be carefully accounted for. Events are exhausting and stressful, but when executed successfully, there's no greater feeling than when the job is done, and everyone leaves happy. Planning a successful corporate event starts with finding the perfect location. This year, after countless hours of research for the perfect venues for our clients, we're happy to share the Top 6 European Corporate Meeting Destinations 2018.

Top 6 European Corporate Meeting Destinations 2018

Akommo has created this list considering the following 5 factors:

  1. Demand and requests from our clients,
  2. Accessibility of the city (airport transfers and public transportation),
  3. Number of hotels per city,
  4. Gastronomy scene in the city, and
  5. Number of event venue spaces.

#1 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Barcelona, Spain

Sunshine around 73% of the year? An average yearly temperature of 21 degrees? Beaches and mountains? The list goes on. It's easy to see why Barcelona has become the most popular European corporate meeting destination in 2018. Even though we're located here in Barcelona, we're not biased - we promise!

What our clients love -

Our clients are impressed first by the wide range of 4* and 5* hotels right in the city centre, and the incredible service they offer. After the hotels comes the Barcelona gastronomy scene. Deep down we're all foodies, and a remarkable meal goes a long way when planning a successful corporate event.

What we love -

There is a vast range of event venues in Barcelona, suiting all types of events. Historical venues can be used for CEO lunches, rooftops for product launch parties, and beachfront clubs for dinner parties. The possibilities are endless, especially with a local team onsite to negotiate for you.

Favourite Barcelona event venue -

For one of our most recent corporate events, we suggested the famous Casa Llotja de Mar. The construction of this iconic building dates back to the 14th century. As well as the breathtaking architecture, the different spaces within the Casa Llotja del Mar let large groups enjoy the event together.

For information about hosting your own Barcelona corporate event, click here.

#2 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Berlin, Germany

This city has been up-and-coming for the last 10 years and has become a very popular choice for corporate events. The hospitality industry is booming in Berlin, with over 780 hotels of varying service and budget ranges. Not to mention, the underground culinary scene has gained the city quite the reputation.

What our clients love -

Berlin has so many different neighbourhoods and districts to be explored. Not to mention, a rich German meal with a fresh, crisp beer in a Biergarten in autumn works wonders after a long day of events. It's not the most beautiful city, but it has so much character.

Our hotel partners and their level of service have contributed to many successful events over the years.

What we love -

Berlin has a unique combination of vibes. We love the contrast between the reminders of major events that changed history, the edgy industrial districts, and the beautiful green gardens like the Tiergarten and the Grunewald.

Favourite Berlin event venue-

Hands down - one of the most remarkable restaurants you can find in Berlin is the Restaurantschiff  Patio. The name meaning "restaurant ship", the concept is to give the diner the sensation that they are enjoying their meal aboard a floating terrace. Guests can look out the windows onto the Moabiter Brücke, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, and the charming vintage buildings on Holsteiner Ufer.

#3 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is a vibrant mix of history, architecture, gastronomy, and even music. What's more, Prague is enjoyed by all different types of travellers, making for an interesting melting pot! From opera and history buffs to gastro-lovers, Prague has something for everyone.

What our clients love -

The prices! If you have been presented with a smaller budget than you and your events team were expecting this year, Prague is a top European corporate meeting destination. You can get delicious local meals, affordable private transportation, and stay in an excellent accommodation.

Not to mention, the venues in Prague are far from ordinary. See our favourite below!

What we love -

The amount of 5* hotels within a relatively small vicinity is fantastic. It's no secret that Prague isn't the largest city in the world, but it is home to top hotel brands like the Mandarin and Four Seasons Hotel. Our clients have been pleasantly surprised to find how helpful and hospitable Czech culture is.

Favourite Prague event venue-

For an intimate gathering or an exclusive VIP dinner, our favourite location is the Fred and Ginger restaurant located in the Dancing House. A picture is worth a thousand words, so we'll just let you gaze upon this architectural masterpiece...

#4 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Paris, France

Paris is one of the most adored cities in the world - and for good reason. From the historic landmarks, to the Seine River, and - of course - the food, this brilliant and vivacious city makes for the perfect European corporate meeting destination.

What our clients love -

Hello, it's Paris? Apart from the fame and glamour that come with this iconic city, Paris is a destination that guests never forget. Usually, clients are either thrilled to experience the city of lights for the first time or are delighted to get to come back again.

"Attend our corporate event in Paris" reads so much better than "attend our corporate event" - don't you think?

What we love -

There is so much to see! Apart from a surprising range of historical event venues, the city tends to attract more attendees for corporate events because of the endless activities. Many of our clients in the past have happily extended their stay after their corporate event finished to enjoy the city.

Favourite Paris event venue-

One of our most gorgeous corporate events from 2015 was organised at the iconic Hôtel de Vendôme. We loved the timeless feel of the brunch and the impeccable service at the hotel!

#5 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam is one of Europe's most liberal cities, both in law and in overall attitude. The enchanting architecture and winding canals quickly make people fall in love with the city.

What our clients love -

The unique venues and their locations cannot be beaten. For one of our client's corporate events, we organised a boat to pick them up from their hotel and take them to their dinner venue. The versatility of this city makes finding creative venues an enjoyable experience for both our client and our team of venue-sourcing specialists.

What we love -

As aforementioned, Amsterdam is a liberal and open-minded place. We love the openness of this city! Our venue and hotel partners are open to new ideas, and using your imagination is praised in Amsterdam.

Favourite Amsterdam event venue-

Without a doubt, one of the most spectacular dinner venues in Amsterdam is the Restaurant EYE. As we said, we organised our client's transportation by boat to get to this waterfront restaurant! It was one of those wonderful evenings where you forget that your dinner is actually work-related.


#6 European Corporate Meeting Destination - Lisbon, Portugal

Portugal is an amazing late-spring location for corporate events for obvious reasons. The weather is delightful, the culture is relaxed, and it's a perfect place to watch the captivating transition into summer. This European corporate meeting destination becomes more and more popular each year as event teams are starting to notice the perks: sun, beach, sea, wine, fish... Just tell us when to stop.

What our clients love -

They can't get enough of the Mediterranean vibes. When searching for the perfect event venue, our clients specifically mentioned they wanted something iconic by the sea. Can you imagine attending a corporate event and feeling relaxed afterward? Our clients have even said that hosting their event in Lisbon left them feeling refreshed! The relaxed culture truly permeates the city, creating a unique atmosphere for corporate events.

What we love -

The easy access. Some cities are more remote than others, but Lisbon has direct flights from most major European airports, as well as the UK. Not to mention - the ticket prices are usually very affordable!

Favourite Portugal event venue-

We fell in love with the Studio Arriba at first site. How could you not? If our client wants to host an impressive closing party or gala, this 4000m2 space is our go-to.

Photo from Arriba Casa Marques

To organise your next corporate event in any of the cities we've talked about here, please get in touch with Akommo. Our dedicated team provides venue-sourcing services at no additional cost to you and your team. Akommo organise event venues, transportation, and even negotiate the best rates with the venues!

Call us today and start planning your next corporate event with one less worry!